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Celebrating 50 Years of Skating Excellence!
Learn to Skate registration for spring is open! This spring, the Cortland Figure Skating Club is offering an 8-week session of classes in Lansing. ​
Classes will take place:
Sundays 1:30pm - 2:30pm, starts April 27, ends June 22 (2pm-3pm on June 1 and June 8)
@ CRC The Rink in Lansing
Each session includes a 30 minute lesson and 30 minutes of free skate/practice.
Payment must be received before skaters can get on the ice.
Check: make out to Cortland Figure Skating Club, bring to first class
Cash: bring to first class
Electronic payment: Venmo @cfsc13045 (additional $4 fee required), can pay at or before first class
$180 for 8 classes ($10 sibling discount available)
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